Jessica M. Mackin
- Jessica Grew up on a farm north of the Quad Cities with three siblings. She helped feed and water the hogs and cattle. Bottle-feeding calves and hot chocolate at winter farm sales with her Dad are some of her favorite memories from growing up.
- Jessica met her significant other, Axel, at the age of 19 and they share three children all together - One daughter and two sons. Their children are spaced out in age, so they get to experience parenting at multiple life stages all at the same time. Our children are one of the most important & greatest things we've accomplished in our 20-plus years together!
- Jessica attended Perdue University and graduated Suma Cum Lade with her Associate of Science Degree in Business Administration and Management when her youngest child was one. She returned to earn her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Management and graduated Magna Cum Lade when her youngest was 3.
- Jessica has been in the client/customer service industry for over 20 years. After graduating with her Associate's degree she entered into the medical field, and then later transitioned into the financial industry field, which was more aligned with her degrees. She has been in the financial industry field for almost three years.
- Jessica and Axel enjoy taking their children on family vacations to see firsthand the things their children have learned, or are learning, about in school. Those are memories they will carry with them forever, and are hopeful they will continue the tradition with their future grandchildren!
Mia & Zeus
Mia is an American Staffordshire Terrier, she is our nearly 13 year old rescue pet. Zeus is our 4 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and he keeps Mia on her toes!
Fun Fact
Childhood Home
I was able to grow up in the same home my father grew up in! My children will both graduate from the same school that I graduated from!
Iowa Strong
Go Hawks!I was raised on a farm and have lived in Iowa my entire life. I always say "I Love Iowa 3 out of the 4 seasons of the year!" The Sunsets across the fields are breath taking.
Favorite Special Occasion Resturant
Ruthie's Steak & Seafood
This is our go to spot for Celebrations. Ruthie's is such a great environment with amazing dishes!
Favorite Family Vacation
Tenessee is such a beautiful state to visit!
The Smokey Mountains are phenomonal, and the climb up is even better! Watching the temperture drop as you slowly climb the mountai was incredible.
Favorite Quote
Albert Einstein
"Everybody is a Genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein